
Product Information

Help Fight Fats and Combat Carbs with waiFIT Block2*

Carbohydrates are often given a bad rep as being responsible for making people gain weight. And while there's some truth to that statement, the answer is more grey than black and weight. Carbs are often maligned for those trying to lose weight. Yet, avoiding complex carbohydrates also means that an important nutritional component of a healthy diet that adds dietary fiber, B-vitamins, and trace elements may be missing. Diets too low in carbohydrates can also depress serotonin levels and mood.

Wave goodbye to your strict no-fat, no-carb, no-fun diet and say hello to waiFIT Block2. Uniquely formulated, Block2 is the only weight-loss product on the market to combine patented clinically effective levels of prickly pear cactus and white kidney bean. One hundred percent natural, side-effect free and safe for longer use, this exclusive, break-thru product has been found to help reduce the enzymatic digestion of dietary starches, promote healthy blood sugar levels that are already within normal range and may assist in weight control, when used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program. The bottom line, waiFIT Block2 will help minimize the impact of fats and carbs so that the occasional indulgence won't undo your day.*


  • Includes clinically effective levels of a proprietary form of a prickly pear cactus*
  • Includes clinically effective levels of a proprietary form of a kidney bean extract*
  • Helps reduce the enzymatic digestion of dietary starches
  • Helps promote healthy blood sugar levels*
  • Helps support appetite control*

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Kidney Bean Extract is naturally derived from white kidney beans.

Phaseolus vulgaris, are widely promoted as a type of "starch blocker" a weight loss aid said to work by interfering with the digestion of starch. Kidney bean extract contains a substance that inhibits the enzyme amylase, one of the primary enzymes that the body uses to digest carbohydrates. In theory, if the enzyme cannot function properly, some proportion of the ingested starch might pass through the body undigested, reducing calorie intake. Numerous studies have demonstrated efficacy with proprietary forms of kidney bean extract.

Gymnena Sylvestre Leaf Extract is naturally derived from a wood climbing plant.

A popular ingredient among weight loss supplements. This ingredient is said to block the absorption of sugar and is said to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Gymnema Sylvestre supports appetite control and reduction of sugar cravings by maintaining blood sugar levels within normal ranges and supporting proper insulin utilization.* Proper regulation of insulin also helps the body to stay focused on burning fat.*


Potato Protein Extract is naturally derived from white potatoes.

The protein, potato proteinase inhibitor 2, is derived from white potatoes, and is an ingredient in many of today's weight loss supplements. A recent study, conducted at Iowa State University, has shown that when an individual ingests PI2, the release of a cholecystokinin, a peptide that simulates the feeling of fullness, is stimulated. The largest study in a series to test the weight loss potential of PI2 involved some 240 participants, and spanned 12 weeks. Participants who were given 30 mg of PI2 one hour before the two largest meals of the day showed marked weight loss over participants who had been given a placebo.

Prickly Pear Cactus Extract is naturally derived from cactus.

Our proprietary prickly pear cactus extract is a natural lipophilic fiber made from dehydrated oval leaves of the Opuntia ficus indica cactus via a long development & patented process backed by strong scientific research. Developed by French scientists, this extract is the first effective vegetable fat-blocker. This 100% green and natural high quality ingredient enables you to lose weight safely, without starving yourself or force yourself to stick to a low-fat diet. Once the prickly pear extract comes in contact with ingested fats inside the stomach it immediately binds to it, forming a fluid gel around the fat which cannot be absorbed by our body. These unabsorbed fats travels through the digestive system and are excreted naturally.

Click here for Supplement Fact Sheet



ワイオラのヘルシー.エイジング.フォーミュラは、老化に伴って低下する重要な物質を自然な'形で補給して老化の影響を低減する独自の天然成分ブレンドを採用しています。 科学的に開発されたこのフォーミュラは関節機能を促進しダイエットと運動時の減量を加速し、免疫力と循環器系の機能を支えます。


歳を取るにつれ、目に見える老化現象だけでなく、体内にも大きな変化が起こります。 生後から20歳まではホルモンが活発に分泌され、高いレベルの新陳代謝、性欲、そして健康的な免疫力が保たれます。 しかし歳を取るにつれ、体や臓器が老化すると、これらのレベルが低下し、新陳代謝の低下、性欲の減退、運動性の低下と共に、体は病気や疾患にかかりやすくなります。 ヘルシー.エイジング.フォーミュラは、このような 又その他の老化に伴う健康問題に対抗します。

このサプリメントには独自に開発された物質 3-BETAが含まれています。 これは私達の体内に元々あるものですが、年齢を重ねるごとにその量は低下します。 この重要な代謝産物を補給する事により、引き締まった筋肉を維持し減量を加速し、免疫力を調整し、循環器系機能を支えます。 又、ヘルシー.エイジング.フォーミュラには、正常な関節機能を支える事が証明されている独自のユニークなブレンド、生物活性過免疫乳たんぱく濃縮物が含まれています。


  • 循環器系機能を強化します
  • 悪玉コレステロールを低下させます
  • 健康的な血圧の維持に役立ちます
  • 免疫機能を調節します
  • 関節の機能と運動性を支えます
  • 老化に伴って低下する重要な物質を補給します
  • ほとんどの減量プログラムの効果を大幅に高める可能性があります

主要成分は こちら


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